Alixe Fu 傅慶豊
藍裙, 1991 - 2015
Oil on canvas
204.5 x 509.3 cm
200 1/2 x 80 1/2 in
200 1/2 x 80 1/2 in
聖德尼時期~臉譜時期(1991-2015) 在梵高村(Auvers-sur-Oise)工作室面對這幅1991年巴黎聖德尼市(Saint Denis )完成簽名多次的作品塗了又塗的厚重顏料画作,2012年學會修復畫後⼜在把這布面油画貼在更大張的畫布上並用新布添補缺口形成雙層布面再創作。25年時間流逝從混混沌沌抽象畫面逐漸具象!紀念我1988~1991年住過的Saint- Denis市。 The period in Saint-Denis (1991-2015) In the studio of Auvers-sur-Oise, this painting, which was completed in 1991 in Saint-Denis, Paris, was painted again. After repairing...
聖德尼時期~臉譜時期(1991-2015) 在梵高村(Auvers-sur-Oise)工作室面對這幅1991年巴黎聖德尼市(Saint Denis )完成簽名多次的作品塗了又塗的厚重顏料画作,2012年學會修復畫後⼜在把這布面油画貼在更大張的畫布上並用新布添補缺口形成雙層布面再創作。25年時間流逝從混混沌沌抽象畫面逐漸具象!紀念我1988~1991年住過的Saint- Denis市。
The period in Saint-Denis (1991-2015) In the studio of Auvers-sur-Oise, this painting, which was completed in 1991 in Saint-Denis, Paris, was painted again. After repairing the paintings in 2012, the painting was put on a larger canvas and added a new canvas to form a double-layered fabric. In 25 years, the painting has gradually become concrete from the abstract picture! To commemorate the city of Saint-Denis that I lived in from 1988 to 1991.
The period in Saint-Denis (1991-2015) In the studio of Auvers-sur-Oise, this painting, which was completed in 1991 in Saint-Denis, Paris, was painted again. After repairing the paintings in 2012, the painting was put on a larger canvas and added a new canvas to form a double-layered fabric. In 25 years, the painting has gradually become concrete from the abstract picture! To commemorate the city of Saint-Denis that I lived in from 1988 to 1991.