Tan Ping 譚平
Untitled 無題, 2018
Acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
39 3/8 x 31 1/2 in
39 3/8 x 31 1/2 in
Copyright The Artist
“對我現在這個階段來說,其實既不是畫我所看、所知的,也不是畫我內心所想。畫我所“什麼”是有對象的,無論是“畫它”,它是一個實物,還是一個概念,象徵性的東西;還是“畫我”,是一個想像的東西。“它”都是有對象的。沒有對象,就不再是畫什麼。畫什麼,是一個投射的狀態。而“畫畫”,“畫”是一個動詞,一個過程,是一個很主體和個性化的過程,是一種認同感。在當代藝術的範疇裡面,有非物質化的趨向,取消一個物質化的結果,要一個過程的體驗。總有人問我,為什麼還要畫,我也會經常反問我自己。這個問題看起來很難,又似乎無需思考,因為答案真的很簡單,畫是我的專業,似乎也是生理需要,更是我之所以是我的一個必需。有人說,藝術就是消遣,閒來無事的時候可以畫畫。但是於我而言,藝術還真不是閒來無事的消磨,它是一種必需,是我生命中尋求內心平衡時,一個非常重要,不可或缺的砝碼,倘若缺失了藝術這個砝碼,我會失衡,會變形,我也就不是我了。 ” ——譚平自述 'For me at this stage, I don't actually paint what I see and know, nor what I think. I paint 'what' is an object. No matter it...
“對我現在這個階段來說,其實既不是畫我所看、所知的,也不是畫我內心所想。畫我所“什麼”是有對象的,無論是“畫它”,它是一個實物,還是一個概念,象徵性的東西;還是“畫我”,是一個想像的東西。“它”都是有對象的。沒有對象,就不再是畫什麼。畫什麼,是一個投射的狀態。而“畫畫”,“畫”是一個動詞,一個過程,是一個很主體和個性化的過程,是一種認同感。在當代藝術的範疇裡面,有非物質化的趨向,取消一個物質化的結果,要一個過程的體驗。總有人問我,為什麼還要畫,我也會經常反問我自己。這個問題看起來很難,又似乎無需思考,因為答案真的很簡單,畫是我的專業,似乎也是生理需要,更是我之所以是我的一個必需。有人說,藝術就是消遣,閒來無事的時候可以畫畫。但是於我而言,藝術還真不是閒來無事的消磨,它是一種必需,是我生命中尋求內心平衡時,一個非常重要,不可或缺的砝碼,倘若缺失了藝術這個砝碼,我會失衡,會變形,我也就不是我了。 ” ——譚平自述
"For me at this stage, I don't actually paint what I see and know, nor what I think. I paint "what" is an object. No matter it is "painting it", it is a real object, or is a concept, a symbolic thing; or "painting me", is an imaginary thing. "It" has an object. Without an object, it is no longer what to draw. What to draw is a projected state. "Drawing" is a verb, a process, a very subjective and individualized process, and a sense of identity. In the category of contemporary art, there is a tendency of dematerialization, the outcome of materialization is abolished, and a process of experience is required. People always ask me why I paint, and I often ask myself. This question seems very difficult, and it seems that there is no need to think, because the answer is really simple, painting is my profession, it seems to be a physiological need, but it is also a necessity for me. Some say that art is a pastime, and when you have nothing to do, you can draw. But for me, art is really nothing to do with nothing. It is essential for me. It is a very important and indispensable weight when seeking inner balance in my life. If the weight of art is missing, I will be out of balance, will be deformed, I am not me.” —Tan Ping
"For me at this stage, I don't actually paint what I see and know, nor what I think. I paint "what" is an object. No matter it is "painting it", it is a real object, or is a concept, a symbolic thing; or "painting me", is an imaginary thing. "It" has an object. Without an object, it is no longer what to draw. What to draw is a projected state. "Drawing" is a verb, a process, a very subjective and individualized process, and a sense of identity. In the category of contemporary art, there is a tendency of dematerialization, the outcome of materialization is abolished, and a process of experience is required. People always ask me why I paint, and I often ask myself. This question seems very difficult, and it seems that there is no need to think, because the answer is really simple, painting is my profession, it seems to be a physiological need, but it is also a necessity for me. Some say that art is a pastime, and when you have nothing to do, you can draw. But for me, art is really nothing to do with nothing. It is essential for me. It is a very important and indispensable weight when seeking inner balance in my life. If the weight of art is missing, I will be out of balance, will be deformed, I am not me.” —Tan Ping