Tan Ping 譚平
Untitled 無題, 2018
Acrylic on Canvas
Copyright The Artist
“覆蓋”既是一種破壞,也是一種歸零。譚平總是在覆蓋的同時讓下層的畫面痕跡透 露出來,半透明的色層和斑駁的肌理在提醒觀者“一切都在”。 “Overspread” can be considered as a destruction and also a return to zero. While applying the technique of overspread, Tan Ping always allows the traces of the lower...
“覆蓋”既是一種破壞,也是一種歸零。譚平總是在覆蓋的同時讓下層的畫面痕跡透 露出來,半透明的色層和斑駁的肌理在提醒觀者“一切都在”。
“Overspread” can be considered as a destruction and also a return to zero. While applying the technique of overspread, Tan Ping always allows the traces of the lower layer to be revealed. The translucent layer and mottled texture remind the viewer that “everything is still there”.
“Overspread” can be considered as a destruction and also a return to zero. While applying the technique of overspread, Tan Ping always allows the traces of the lower layer to be revealed. The translucent layer and mottled texture remind the viewer that “everything is still there”.