Tan Ping 譚平
Mother and Son 母與子, 1984
Acrylic on Canvas 布面丙烯
50 x 55cm
Copyright The Artist
《西藏系列》是以夕陽籠罩下的強烈的暖光來表現西藏儀式一般的神聖感和神秘性。 譚平無須描繪一個充滿異國情調的西藏,更不希望自己擁有一個“他者”的視覺。在 他看來,獨特的視覺體驗,以及當地藏民的生存狀態才是他要去表現的。 “Tibet” series applies the strong warm light under the sunset to express the sacredness and mystery that similar to the local rite. Tan Ping neither needs to...
《西藏系列》是以夕陽籠罩下的強烈的暖光來表現西藏儀式一般的神聖感和神秘性。 譚平無須描繪一個充滿異國情調的西藏,更不希望自己擁有一個“他者”的視覺。在 他看來,獨特的視覺體驗,以及當地藏民的生存狀態才是他要去表現的。
“Tibet” series applies the strong warm light under the sunset to express the sacredness and mystery that similar to the local rite. Tan Ping neither needs to depict an exotic Tibet nor stands as the Other. In his point of view, the unique visual experience and life of the Tibetan are what he intended to present.
“Tibet” series applies the strong warm light under the sunset to express the sacredness and mystery that similar to the local rite. Tan Ping neither needs to depict an exotic Tibet nor stands as the Other. In his point of view, the unique visual experience and life of the Tibetan are what he intended to present.