Tan Ping 譚平
View from the Back 背影 , 1985
Acrylic on Canvas 布面丙烯
Copyright The Artist
“看人的背影猶如看風景,‘美不美’取決於自己的心境。” 《背影》源於藝術家個人的情感生活,但青年的男女背影,以及面對空寂的街道與樓房,多少充斥著一些心理現實主義的意味。 Looking at someone’s back is similar to looking at a landscape, and the answer of ‘beautiful or not’ depends on one’s state of mind. View from the Back...
“看人的背影猶如看風景,‘美不美’取決於自己的心境。” 《背影》源於藝術家個人的情感生活,但青年的男女背影,以及面對空寂的街道與樓房,多少充斥著一些心理現實主義的意味。
Looking at someone’s back is similar to looking at a landscape, and the answer of ‘beautiful or not’ depends on one’s state of mind. View from the Back is inspired from the artist’s emotional experience in life. Yet, the backs of the young couple, empty street and buildings that they are facing more or less have an implication of psychological realism.
Looking at someone’s back is similar to looking at a landscape, and the answer of ‘beautiful or not’ depends on one’s state of mind. View from the Back is inspired from the artist’s emotional experience in life. Yet, the backs of the young couple, empty street and buildings that they are facing more or less have an implication of psychological realism.