Lai Chi Man 黎志文
共同體 Community, 2020
Teak and colored marble 柚⽊,着⾊⼤理⽯
63 x 32 x 22 cm
24 3/4 x 12 5/8 x 8 5/8 in
24 3/4 x 12 5/8 x 8 5/8 in
Copyright The Artist
雕塑「共同體」中斑斕的著色大理石如同世界形色各異的社會個體,影射著各自不同的觀念、性別、文化及信仰。船型的木器是人們生生相息的土地,更是在這艱難世道下載渡人們的方舟。在這生命的共體中衝突與對比各放異彩,卻又一體同心,同舟共濟。 This sculpture “Community” uses multi-colored marbles to analog social individuals in the world today, reflecting their different values, ethnicity, gender, culture, and even beliefs. The boat-shaped wooden vessel not...
This sculpture “Community” uses multi-colored marbles to analog social individuals in the world today, reflecting their different values, ethnicity, gender, culture, and even beliefs. The boat-shaped wooden vessel not only symbolise the earth where all human beings rely on but also a metaphor of the “Ark” to sail people through the tribulations. In this assemblage of lives, conflicts and contrasts shine in their own ways while fundamentally whole-heartedly help each other in the same boat.
This sculpture “Community” uses multi-colored marbles to analog social individuals in the world today, reflecting their different values, ethnicity, gender, culture, and even beliefs. The boat-shaped wooden vessel not only symbolise the earth where all human beings rely on but also a metaphor of the “Ark” to sail people through the tribulations. In this assemblage of lives, conflicts and contrasts shine in their own ways while fundamentally whole-heartedly help each other in the same boat.