Lai Chi Man 黎志文
窗外的風景 Views Outside the Window, 2014
Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper 紙.丙烯與水彩
50 x 65 cm
藝術家運用繪畫的各種顏料,包括水墨、丙烯顏料等,加上工作室里隨手可得的各種 雕塑工具,創作出他的紙本作品。 透過這一個個窗戶般的方塊造型,與自身經驗及想像結合,觀者會看到不同的風景。 Lai Chi Man applies different painting medium to create his paper artworks, such as ink and acrylic by different sculpture tools and painted. Through the window-like square...
Lai Chi Man applies different painting medium to create his paper artworks, such as ink and acrylic by different sculpture tools and painted.
Through the window-like square shapes, viewers are able to see different sceneries according to their personal experience and imagination.
Lai Chi Man applies different painting medium to create his paper artworks, such as ink and acrylic by different sculpture tools and painted.
Through the window-like square shapes, viewers are able to see different sceneries according to their personal experience and imagination.