Lai Chi Man 黎志文
流星雨 Meteor Shower, 2012
Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper 紙.丙烯與水彩
68 x 50 cm
「流星雨」繼承了黎志文一貫的「象形」概念,含蓄地訴說其雕塑創作的靈感來源。 光芒之前黑色的造型,提醒著觀者,儘管流星熾熱而絢爛,但一瞬過後留下的是冰冷的隕石;三個流星同時劃過夜空,給夜幕留下了一道藍與紅、冰與火的分割線。 Meteor Shower continues the concept of “hieroglyphs”, implicitly telling the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation. The black shapes in front of the lights are reminding viewers...
Meteor Shower continues the concept of “hieroglyphs”, implicitly telling the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
The black shapes in front of the lights are reminding viewers that, although the meteor are fire-hot and splendid, it’s still a cold falling stone in the end. The three meteors across the night sky at the same time, leaving a cut-off line of the blue and red, ice and fire.
Meteor Shower continues the concept of “hieroglyphs”, implicitly telling the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
The black shapes in front of the lights are reminding viewers that, although the meteor are fire-hot and splendid, it’s still a cold falling stone in the end. The three meteors across the night sky at the same time, leaving a cut-off line of the blue and red, ice and fire.