Lai Chi Man 黎志文
三個口 Three Exits, 2016
Acrylic on Paper
Acrylic on Paper
54 x 80 cm
「三個口」繼承了黎志文一貫的「象形」概念,含蓄訴說其雕塑創作的靈感來源。 畫中的三個方形的排列構成一個三角形狀,呈現一個穩固的狀態。這三個口像是一個通道,是通往同一個還是同一個地方呢? Lai took the principle of Chinese lexicography “pictograph” in “Three Exits”, which is the simplified expression of complicated form, implicitly tells the source of inspiration for his sculpture...
Lai took the principle of Chinese lexicography “pictograph” in “Three Exits”, which is the simplified expression of complicated form, implicitly tells the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
The three squares are arranged in a triangular shape, presenting a stable state. The three exits are channels to the same place, or maybe not.
Lai took the principle of Chinese lexicography “pictograph” in “Three Exits”, which is the simplified expression of complicated form, implicitly tells the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
The three squares are arranged in a triangular shape, presenting a stable state. The three exits are channels to the same place, or maybe not.