Lai Chi Man 黎志文
紅圓藍方 Red Circle and Blue Square, 2014
紙.丙烯 Acrylic on Paper
2 x 110 x 79 cm
Copyright The Artist
作品呼應著《圓方》雕塑,以「紙上操作」的方式表現「天圓地方」的概念。 「紅圓藍方」以強而有力的筆觸描繪出不規則的圓形和方形,塗上紅藍兩色和粗獷的線條,增加了畫作的重量感。 The work echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, presenting the ancient Chinese concept of “round heaven and flat earth” on paper. Lai painted irregular circle and square...
The work echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, presenting the ancient Chinese concept of “round heaven and flat earth” on paper.
Lai painted irregular circle and square with powerful brushstrokes, with red and blue colors, and rough lines, adding weight to the painting.
The work echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, presenting the ancient Chinese concept of “round heaven and flat earth” on paper.
Lai painted irregular circle and square with powerful brushstrokes, with red and blue colors, and rough lines, adding weight to the painting.