In CEET’s works, his subjects maintain the state of looking up. They are telling us that we need not be afraid when we feel lost. Let's move optimistically and play freely in this maze.


Wei Gallery is honored to announce the opening of LOSt Chix, the latest solo show of our global exclusive presented artist CEET Fouad. His latest works made during the post-epidemic era will bring friends hope and optimism. The exhibition will open on 7th September and run until 7th November.

Like many people and artists overseas, CEET has not returned to Hong Kong in three years. It is such a long wait for him who has integrated into the Hong Kong community. This is the first time that CEET has returned to Hong Kong after the pandemic. The exhibition is also a mark for his re-beginning to create glocalized art for Home Kong.


From “LOSt Chix” to get out of the lost, CEET transformed stories into artworks. He hopes to inspire friends in the same situation and bring this city joy and the strength to find the way home from lostness. In the future, CEET will continue bringing vitality to this city through graffiti, street art, and other creative methods.

"LOSt Chix" embodies the childhood of CEET as well as his observation of contemporary society. The real and virtual world collides, making reality unpredictable. The feeling of being trapped in the labyrinth of life today recalls CEET the feeling of being lost in his youth. Being in this era makes us feel like being in a maze full of locked doors and long for the correct keys to move forward.

The correct keys are not untraceable. In fact, CEET believes that a creator exists in both real and virtual world, who is by no means a dominant dictator, but an inspirer. He prompts us to explore freely, and to break away from so-called truths.

As social animals, we are not alone even in the maze. Relationships, warmth, support, and belief are vitality clues from the Creator, to lead us to the doors of peace, happiness, and belonging. Through this exhibition, CEET wishes to connect people together and inspire us the spirit of community.

In CEET’s works, his subjects maintain the state of looking up. They are telling us that we need not be afraid when we feel lost. Let's move optimistically and play freely in this maze.