Alixe Fu 傅慶豊
教堂前留影 In Front of the Church , 2004
Oil on Canvas
73 x 100 cm
39 3/8 x 28 3/4 in
39 3/8 x 28 3/4 in
傅慶豊的油畫以自發技法引發圖像視覺,表現個人情感和情緒波動。畫布上色彩豐富,人物五官鮮明,風格重疊,頗具玩味。 Alixe Fu’s oil paintings have an automatic technique that creates an environmental image, presenting personal emotions and emotional upheavals. Abundant colors and characters on canvas have a discernible facial...
Alixe Fu’s oil paintings have an automatic technique that creates an environmental image, presenting personal emotions and emotional upheavals. Abundant colors and characters on canvas have a discernible facial feature overlapped with style bringing forth a playful manner.
Alixe Fu’s oil paintings have an automatic technique that creates an environmental image, presenting personal emotions and emotional upheavals. Abundant colors and characters on canvas have a discernible facial feature overlapped with style bringing forth a playful manner.