Zhou Chunya 周春芽
桃花風景系列 - 藍色的天空 Cherry Blossoms Series - Blue Sky , 2006
Oil on Canvas
200 x 250 cm
98 3/8 x 78 3/4 in
98 3/8 x 78 3/4 in
周春芽認為慾望是與生俱來的,人類對性的慾望正表現出生命的活力,所以他的作品常流露著激情與浪漫。藝術家筆下赤裸的「紅人」與絢爛的桃花相互輝映,增添旺盛的生命力。 Zhou Chunya believes that desires are born with us. The sexuality of human shows the vitality of lives, which reflects on the overflowing passion and romance in Zhou’s work....
Zhou Chunya believes that desires are born with us. The sexuality of human shows the vitality of lives, which reflects on the overflowing passion and romance in Zhou’s work. Together with the blooming peach blossoms, the red nudes add more liveness to the painting.
Zhou Chunya believes that desires are born with us. The sexuality of human shows the vitality of lives, which reflects on the overflowing passion and romance in Zhou’s work. Together with the blooming peach blossoms, the red nudes add more liveness to the painting.