Tan Ping 譚平
Net and Fish 網與魚, 1988
Pencil 鉛筆
Copyright The Artist
“作品是把實物網兜利用複印機複印放大,然後再採用拷貝的方式通過毛筆將複印的痕跡一點一點畫下來。我思考的方向就是‘寫生’要怎麼‘寫’,怎麼‘畫’的問題。 拷貝算不算‘寫生’呢?‘寫生’必須坐在哪兒嗎?趴在哪兒行不行?和對象沒有距離行不行?用毛筆趴在拷貝台上對一個複印之後的圖像再一次描摹,這算是寫生的一種嗎?” “The artwork was based on a real net bag. I made a photocopy of the net and enlarged it before copying it with a painting brush in detail....
“作品是把實物網兜利用複印機複印放大,然後再採用拷貝的方式通過毛筆將複印的痕跡一點一點畫下來。我思考的方向就是‘寫生’要怎麼‘寫’,怎麼‘畫’的問題。 拷貝算不算‘寫生’呢?‘寫生’必須坐在哪兒嗎?趴在哪兒行不行?和對象沒有距離行不行?用毛筆趴在拷貝台上對一個複印之後的圖像再一次描摹,這算是寫生的一種嗎?”
“The artwork was based on a real net bag. I made a photocopy of the net and enlarged it before copying it with a painting brush in detail. I was thinking about the way of sketching. Can the act of copying be regarded as ‘sketch’? While doing a sketch, do we have to sit there? Can we lie and sketch? Is it necessary to have some distance between us and the object? Is it also a kind of ‘sketching’ if we lie on the copying table and re-depict the photocopy?”
“The artwork was based on a real net bag. I made a photocopy of the net and enlarged it before copying it with a painting brush in detail. I was thinking about the way of sketching. Can the act of copying be regarded as ‘sketch’? While doing a sketch, do we have to sit there? Can we lie and sketch? Is it necessary to have some distance between us and the object? Is it also a kind of ‘sketching’ if we lie on the copying table and re-depict the photocopy?”