Tan Ping 譚平
Miners Series 礦工系列, 1984
銅版畫 Etching
Copyright The Artist
“1984 年美院畢業,我的畢業作品是最受大家關注的《礦工系列》 這五幅銅版畫。為 了創作《礦工系列》到煤礦深入生活,在與工人們朝夕相處一個多月中,一次進入礦 井的經歷激發了我強烈的表達慾望。對於礦工們來說再正常不過的井下工作,對我而言卻像是生與死的體驗。” “Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, my graduation works are the ‘Miner’ series with five etchings that received most of the...
“1984 年美院畢業,我的畢業作品是最受大家關注的《礦工系列》 這五幅銅版畫。為 了創作《礦工系列》到煤礦深入生活,在與工人們朝夕相處一個多月中,一次進入礦 井的經歷激發了我強烈的表達慾望。對於礦工們來說再正常不過的井下工作,對我而言卻像是生與死的體驗。”
“Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, my graduation works are the ‘Miner’ series with five etchings that received most of the attention. In order to create this series, I had field trips at the mining site and got along with the miners for months. The visit has stimulated my strong desire for expression. Working underground is very common for the miners, but it was an experience of life and death to me.”
“Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984, my graduation works are the ‘Miner’ series with five etchings that received most of the attention. In order to create this series, I had field trips at the mining site and got along with the miners for months. The visit has stimulated my strong desire for expression. Working underground is very common for the miners, but it was an experience of life and death to me.”