Tan Ping 譚平
Cooking Smoke 炊煙, 1984
Acrylic on Canvas 布面丙烯
52 x 52cm
Copyright The Artist
“有一年大學放假回家,我曾經騎車到過一個不知名的村莊。村子裡的樹很高,街道 很乾淨,明亮卻感覺沒有光。彷彿抽離掉感情理性般存在的村莊,給了我強烈的表達 慾望。與西藏系列不同的是,作品裡沒有光,這一片樹林和房子彷彿在時間之外脫 軌,沒有物質運動的痕跡, 也沒有空間的參照。我就想要畫出這裡的靜謐,沒有風, 沒有呼吸的 樹葉、渾圓的石頭、畫面中突然起了一團樹,一切都像被覆上了一層厚厚 的青苔,聲音和光彷彿被吸進它們的內部。” “One year, during my university time, I was on my way home for vocation. I rode my bicycle through this unknown village....
“有一年大學放假回家,我曾經騎車到過一個不知名的村莊。村子裡的樹很高,街道 很乾淨,明亮卻感覺沒有光。彷彿抽離掉感情理性般存在的村莊,給了我強烈的表達 慾望。與西藏系列不同的是,作品裡沒有光,這一片樹林和房子彷彿在時間之外脫 軌,沒有物質運動的痕跡, 也沒有空間的參照。我就想要畫出這裡的靜謐,沒有風, 沒有呼吸的 樹葉、渾圓的石頭、畫面中突然起了一團樹,一切都像被覆上了一層厚厚 的青苔,聲音和光彷彿被吸進它們的內部。”
“One year, during my university time, I was on my way home for vocation. I rode my bicycle through this unknown village. All the trees there were so tall, streets were tidy, bright, while at the same time the whole environment is lack of lighting. It seems that this village exists as a symbol of rationality, detached with any emotions. Thus, it gave me a strong desire to express. Different from the “Tibet” series, this work has no obvious light, no movement based on materiality, and no reference to any other spaces. As if the trees and houses are out of the dimension of time. It’s like all the sounds and lights are absorbed in this scene of stillness, and it is exactly what I was trying to portray: no wind, no living leaves, round-shaped rocks, and the thick green moss covering everything.
“One year, during my university time, I was on my way home for vocation. I rode my bicycle through this unknown village. All the trees there were so tall, streets were tidy, bright, while at the same time the whole environment is lack of lighting. It seems that this village exists as a symbol of rationality, detached with any emotions. Thus, it gave me a strong desire to express. Different from the “Tibet” series, this work has no obvious light, no movement based on materiality, and no reference to any other spaces. As if the trees and houses are out of the dimension of time. It’s like all the sounds and lights are absorbed in this scene of stillness, and it is exactly what I was trying to portray: no wind, no living leaves, round-shaped rocks, and the thick green moss covering everything.