Ceet Fouad 習福德
School Time, 2018
Mixed Media on Canvas
150 x 120 cm
Copyright The Artist
「校園生活」是對青蔥歲月的解讀,作品乍看似一塊讀書時常見的黑板,上面寫滿了「粉筆 字」。一只小雞半躺在其中,一臉錯愕,面對著滿黑板的文字有些不知所措,像極了孩提時代 偶爾走神的你我。而一只迷你雞站在它圓滾滾的肚皮上,正看著它的眼睛欲與其對話。究竟是 老師還是家長的叮嚀,令其如此驚恐,我們不得而知,但可以肯定的是,幾乎每個人都可以從 中讀出某部分學生時代的記憶。而「黑板」上繪有 Texas Austin(德州奧斯汀)、Sex(性)以 及愛心的形狀等字樣,或也言說了孩提時期的渴望:愛情,欲望以及旅行。作品下方,在諸多 紛亂的筆記中,有一句輕描淡寫的「Don't worry, be happy」(別擔心,要快樂),或許也是成 年的藝術家回看童年過往時,對年少自己的期許——無論當今社會信息如何橫流,或遇到多少 少年的煩惱,都要保持快樂,不負青春時光,亦是藝術家對成年人發自內心的箴言。 “School Time” is an interpretation of the adolescent age. The first impression viewers may get from...
中讀出某部分學生時代的記憶。而「黑板」上繪有 Texas Austin(德州奧斯汀)、Sex(性)以
紛亂的筆記中,有一句輕描淡寫的「Don't worry, be happy」(別擔心,要快樂),或許也是成
“School Time” is an interpretation of the adolescent age. The first impression viewers may get from the
painting could be letters written with chalks on the blackboard. A shocked chicken reclines on the
blackboard, looking back at the blackboard at a loss. It looks so puzzled that it resembles an adolescent
distracted from a class occasionally. A mini chicken is standing on its chubby belly, looking straight
into its eyes as if asking for a conversation. Almost any viewer can recall his/her own memories back
in the school. Words like 'Texas Austin,' 'Sex' and the shape of a heart drawn on the blackboard point
to the emerging cravings in adolescence for love, desire and travel. At the bottom part there is a plain
sentence saying “Don't worry, be happy,” which could be a piece of sincere advice Ceet wishes for the
中讀出某部分學生時代的記憶。而「黑板」上繪有 Texas Austin(德州奧斯汀)、Sex(性)以
紛亂的筆記中,有一句輕描淡寫的「Don't worry, be happy」(別擔心,要快樂),或許也是成
“School Time” is an interpretation of the adolescent age. The first impression viewers may get from the
painting could be letters written with chalks on the blackboard. A shocked chicken reclines on the
blackboard, looking back at the blackboard at a loss. It looks so puzzled that it resembles an adolescent
distracted from a class occasionally. A mini chicken is standing on its chubby belly, looking straight
into its eyes as if asking for a conversation. Almost any viewer can recall his/her own memories back
in the school. Words like 'Texas Austin,' 'Sex' and the shape of a heart drawn on the blackboard point
to the emerging cravings in adolescence for love, desire and travel. At the bottom part there is a plain
sentence saying “Don't worry, be happy,” which could be a piece of sincere advice Ceet wishes for the