Lai Chi Man 黎志文
黃昏漫步 Meandering in Dawn, 2014
紙.丙烯與水彩 Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper
65 x 50 cm
「黃昏漫步」繼承了黎志文一貫的「象形」概念,含蓄地訴說其雕塑創作的靈感來源。 這件作品展現了一幅極富詩意的畫面,彷彿在黃昏的海面,海水被夕陽的餘暉映成橘黃。太陽則藏匿在薄薄的雲霧背後,呈現浪漫的淡紫色。 Meandering in Dawn continues the concept of “hieroglyphs”, implicitly telling the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation. This artwork shows a poetic scene. It looks like the...
Meandering in Dawn continues the concept of “hieroglyphs”, implicitly telling the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
This artwork shows a poetic scene. It looks like the sea surface in the dawn. The sunset oranged the color of the sea, while the light purple sun is hidden behind a thin cloud.
Meandering in Dawn continues the concept of “hieroglyphs”, implicitly telling the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
This artwork shows a poetic scene. It looks like the sea surface in the dawn. The sunset oranged the color of the sea, while the light purple sun is hidden behind a thin cloud.