Lai Chi Man 黎志文
黃昏三鏢客 Three Golden Cowboys in the Dusk, 2014
Acrylic, Watercolour and Pencil on Paper
Acrylic, Watercolour and Pencil on Paper
65 x 50 cm
畫面中的白色筆觸像在天空中不同姿態的雲朵,下方的一抹橘色和慢慢沈下的大陽反映出黃昏的意象,表面重疊的刮痕彷彿是那三個鏢客在交手過程中留下的痕跡。 The white brushstrokes in the painting resemble clouds in different shapes in the sky. The orange color below and the slowly sinking sun reflect the image of dusk. The...
The white brushstrokes in the painting resemble clouds in different shapes in the sky. The orange color below and the slowly sinking sun reflect the image of dusk. The overlapping scratches on the surface seem to be left by the three golden cowboys during the fight.
The white brushstrokes in the painting resemble clouds in different shapes in the sky. The orange color below and the slowly sinking sun reflect the image of dusk. The overlapping scratches on the surface seem to be left by the three golden cowboys during the fight.