Lai Chi Man 黎志文
三個紅點 Three Red Dots, 2014
Acrylic, Watercolour and Pencil on Paper
Acrylic, Watercolour and Pencil on Paper
50 x 65 cm
作品的色調呼應著「紅葉樹苗」。背景中以線條組成的不規則圓形像一顆顆在土壤上的種子,而紅色的圓點和綠色的形狀像剛萌芽的種子,象徵著生機處處。 The color tone of this artwork echoes with “Sapling with Red Leaves”. The irregular circles in the background resemble seeds on soil, whereas the red dots and green shapes...
The color tone of this artwork echoes with “Sapling with Red Leaves”. The irregular circles in the background resemble seeds on soil, whereas the red dots and green shapes resemble newly germinated seeds, symbolizing vital and vibrant energy in life.
The color tone of this artwork echoes with “Sapling with Red Leaves”. The irregular circles in the background resemble seeds on soil, whereas the red dots and green shapes resemble newly germinated seeds, symbolizing vital and vibrant energy in life.