Lai Chi Man 黎志文
圓方 Circle and Square, 2016
Acrylic on Paper
Acrylic on Paper
55 x 79 cm
作品呼應著《圓方》雕塑,以「紙上操作」的方式表現「天圓地方」的概念。 在畫面上方的圓形彷彿一個小小的漩渦,並籠罩著在下方的方形,彼此若遠若近,又似乎互相連繫,構成一個和諧的畫面。 The artwork echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of round heaven and flat earth on paper. The circle on top is like...
The artwork echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of round heaven and flat earth on paper.
The circle on top is like a small whirlpool, shrouding the square at the bottom. They seem close but not too close, and they seem to be connected, forming a harmonious picture.
The artwork echoes with the sculpture “Circle and Square”, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of round heaven and flat earth on paper.
The circle on top is like a small whirlpool, shrouding the square at the bottom. They seem close but not too close, and they seem to be connected, forming a harmonious picture.