Lai Chi Man 黎志文
厚實 Thick and Solid, 2018
Acrylic on Paper
Acrylic on Paper
55 x 79 cm
「厚實」繼承了黎志文一貫的「象形」概念,含蓄地訴說其雕塑創作的靈感來源。 既粗壯又強而有力的線條讓作品帶來一種重量感,呼應著雕塑作品「山水」。紙面上非具象的線條和形狀給人無窮的想像。 Lai took the principle of Chinese lexicography “pictograph” in “Think and Solid”, which is the simplified expression of complicated form, implicitly tells the source of inspiration for his...
Lai took the principle of Chinese lexicography “pictograph” in “Think and Solid”, which is the simplified expression of complicated form, implicitly tells the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
The sturdy, think and powerful lines give the work a sense of weight, echoing the sculpture “Landscape”. The lines and shapes on paper give people endless imagination.
Lai took the principle of Chinese lexicography “pictograph” in “Think and Solid”, which is the simplified expression of complicated form, implicitly tells the source of inspiration for his sculpture creation.
The sturdy, think and powerful lines give the work a sense of weight, echoing the sculpture “Landscape”. The lines and shapes on paper give people endless imagination.