Lai Chi Man 黎志文
山水 Scenery, 2018
玄武岩 Basalt
50 x 30 x 25 cm
此作品利用石頭本身的造型、質感、自然風化等趣味,再加上作者人為的雕刻切割之幾何造境,樓梯形有上下方向的動態,有如中國山水畫中的瀑布流水;方形空間又似深山的洞穴。此等幾何造境與石塊的天然風貌成一對比張力,自然與人為,幾何規則與天然自成。此便是中國雕塑之特質——天人合一效果;也是中國人愛集奇石異木的愛好,天趣自成更富有尚自然出世之威。另外順造型中的階梯而上,會有徒步山中荒野之感。 「山水」以石材為根基,雖沒有山與水的造型,但藉由保留石材自然斷裂面,以階梯為穿越空間意象,於作品創造空間,藉由視覺的引導,創作可望、可居、可遊的自然山水空間。 This work combined the natural shape, texture, and weathering of the stone itself with the author’s artificial carving and cutting of the geometrical environment. The staircase has a...
This work combined the natural shape, texture, and weathering of the stone itself with the author’s artificial carving and cutting of the geometrical environment. The staircase has a dynamic up and down direction, similar to a waterfall in Chinese landscape paintings; the square space resembles a cave deep down the forest. cave. These geometric creations and the natural features of the stones, nature and man-made, geometric rules and naturality, strengthen each other. This reveal one of the characteristics of Chinese sculpture-the harmony between man and nature; it also reflect Chinese hobby of collecting strange stones and woods because the beauty of nature is beyond others. In addition, going up the stairs in the shape will give viewers the feeling of hiking in the wilderness.
“Scenery” applies rock materials as basis and keep the original cracks on the rocks. Although there is no figurative “Mountain” and “Water” in this piece, the stairs represent the image of space and create a natural landscape. The cracks guide audiences to imagine the natural space through the texture and shape of rock.
This work combined the natural shape, texture, and weathering of the stone itself with the author’s artificial carving and cutting of the geometrical environment. The staircase has a dynamic up and down direction, similar to a waterfall in Chinese landscape paintings; the square space resembles a cave deep down the forest. cave. These geometric creations and the natural features of the stones, nature and man-made, geometric rules and naturality, strengthen each other. This reveal one of the characteristics of Chinese sculpture-the harmony between man and nature; it also reflect Chinese hobby of collecting strange stones and woods because the beauty of nature is beyond others. In addition, going up the stairs in the shape will give viewers the feeling of hiking in the wilderness.
“Scenery” applies rock materials as basis and keep the original cracks on the rocks. Although there is no figurative “Mountain” and “Water” in this piece, the stairs represent the image of space and create a natural landscape. The cracks guide audiences to imagine the natural space through the texture and shape of rock.