Lai Chi Man 黎志文
三角形 Triangle, 2018
大理石 Marble
34 x 34 x 9 cm
Copyright The Artist
作品代表「天圓地方」,中國古代用以祭天地,是古代人認識世界的思維方法。動的圓靜的方二者間的和諧組合相處,圓方造形中的穿透三角形,光線可透過大理石,產生不同的變化。 The table of 'the heaven and the earth', used in ancient China to worship the heaven and the earth, is the way of thinking for the ancients to know...
The table of "the heaven and the earth", used in ancient China to worship the heaven and the earth, is the way of thinking for the ancients to know the world. The harmonious combination of the moving circle and quiet sides gets along. Through the transparent triangle in the middle, light can pass through the marble to produce different changes.
The table of "the heaven and the earth", used in ancient China to worship the heaven and the earth, is the way of thinking for the ancients to know the world. The harmonious combination of the moving circle and quiet sides gets along. Through the transparent triangle in the middle, light can pass through the marble to produce different changes.