Léonard T. Foujita 藤田嗣治
Paris Suburbs 巴黎郊外 , 1914
Oil on Beaverboard 油畫 纖維板
24 x 32.5 cm
Copyright The Artist
藤田畫作線條靈動,是受到洞窟繪畫的影響。他使用日本極細面相筆,運用書道的技巧,成為特異的「藤田線」 。藝術家強調:「線是物體的核心,畫家深入凝視物體,務必要掌握線條。」 The lines in Foujita’s paintings are often flexible and flowing which is influenced by ancient cave paintings. He used ultra-thin menso and calligraphic skills to form the unique...
藤田畫作線條靈動,是受到洞窟繪畫的影響。他使用日本極細面相筆,運用書道的技巧,成為特異的「藤田線」 。藝術家強調:「線是物體的核心,畫家深入凝視物體,務必要掌握線條。」
The lines in Foujita’s paintings are often flexible and flowing which is influenced by ancient cave paintings. He used ultra-thin menso and calligraphic skills to form the unique “Foujita line”. The artist emphasizes that “Line is the core of objects. When a painter gazing at an object, he needs to grasp the lines first”.
The lines in Foujita’s paintings are often flexible and flowing which is influenced by ancient cave paintings. He used ultra-thin menso and calligraphic skills to form the unique “Foujita line”. The artist emphasizes that “Line is the core of objects. When a painter gazing at an object, he needs to grasp the lines first”.