Zhou Chunya 周春芽
Cherry Blossoms Series 桃花風景系列, 2006
Oil on Canvas
150 x 120 cm
47 1/4 x 59 1/8 in
47 1/4 x 59 1/8 in
「桃花風景」系列是周春芽標誌性的作品,始於他對茂盛艷麗的桃花之著迷。綻放中的桃花妖嬈嫵媚,使人不自覺沉淪其中,忍不住放縱自我。桃花又象徵著人生中的花樣年華,雖然轉眼 即逝,但卻無比旺盛,讓人留戀。 Peach Blossom series is originated from Zhou Chunya’s obsession to the flourish and bright-coloured peach blossom and later became one of his features in art. The blooming peach...
「桃花風景」系列是周春芽標誌性的作品,始於他對茂盛艷麗的桃花之著迷。綻放中的桃花妖嬈嫵媚,使人不自覺沉淪其中,忍不住放縱自我。桃花又象徵著人生中的花樣年華,雖然轉眼 即逝,但卻無比旺盛,讓人留戀。
Peach Blossom series is originated from Zhou Chunya’s obsession to the flourish and bright-coloured peach blossom and later became one of his features in art. The blooming peach blossom seduces people to sink into it and indulge themselves. At the same time, the peach blossom symbolises golden years in life, transitory, flowery, and unforgettable.
Peach Blossom series is originated from Zhou Chunya’s obsession to the flourish and bright-coloured peach blossom and later became one of his features in art. The blooming peach blossom seduces people to sink into it and indulge themselves. At the same time, the peach blossom symbolises golden years in life, transitory, flowery, and unforgettable.