Lai Chi Man 黎志文
多姿多彩的深處 A Colourful Abyss, 2013
Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper
Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper
50 x 68 cm
藝術家運用繪畫的各種顏料,在紙張上藉由各種磨、擦、塗、撕、抹、畫等動作,去捕捉他心中的意念與造型。 「多姿多彩的深處」以冷暖兩個基調的顏色塗抹成背景,畫面上重覆重置的橢圓形筆觸就像一個巨大的漩渦,在這個漩渦的深處,是一個怎樣的空間呢? The artist used various paints to capture the thoughts and shapes in his mind by rubbing, painting, tearing, wiping on paper. 'A Colourful Abyss' has cold and warm...
The artist used various paints to capture the thoughts and shapes in his mind by rubbing, painting, tearing, wiping on paper.
"A Colourful Abyss" has cold and warm colors as background. The repetitive oval strokes resemble a huge vortex. What kind of space is it inside the vortex?
The artist used various paints to capture the thoughts and shapes in his mind by rubbing, painting, tearing, wiping on paper.
"A Colourful Abyss" has cold and warm colors as background. The repetitive oval strokes resemble a huge vortex. What kind of space is it inside the vortex?