Lai Chi Man 黎志文
造型 Modelling, 2014
Acrylic on Paper
Acrylic on Paper
79 x 110 cm
藝術家運用繪畫的各種顏料,在紙張上藉由各種磨、擦、塗、撕、抹、畫等動作,去捕捉他心中的意念與造型。 既粗壯又強而有力的線條讓作品帶來一種重量. 作品抽繪著一個造型, 畫中的三個不規則的方形仿佛三個窗口. 紙面上非具象的線條和形狀給人無窮的想像。 Lai used acrylic and different tools to capture the thoughts and shapes in his mind by rubbing, painting, tearing, wiping on paper. The sturdy, think...
既粗壯又強而有力的線條讓作品帶來一種重量. 作品抽繪著一個造型, 畫中的三個不規則的方形仿佛三個窗口. 紙面上非具象的線條和形狀給人無窮的想像。
Lai used acrylic and different tools to capture the thoughts and shapes in his mind by rubbing, painting, tearing, wiping on paper.
The sturdy, think and powerful lines give the work a sense of weight. The artwork is depicting a model where the three irregular shapes in the middle are like windows. The lines and shapes on paper give people endless imagination.
既粗壯又強而有力的線條讓作品帶來一種重量. 作品抽繪著一個造型, 畫中的三個不規則的方形仿佛三個窗口. 紙面上非具象的線條和形狀給人無窮的想像。
Lai used acrylic and different tools to capture the thoughts and shapes in his mind by rubbing, painting, tearing, wiping on paper.
The sturdy, think and powerful lines give the work a sense of weight. The artwork is depicting a model where the three irregular shapes in the middle are like windows. The lines and shapes on paper give people endless imagination.