Lai Chi Man 黎志文
漏水的房子 A Leaking House, 2006
Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper
Acrylic and Watercolour on Paper
40 x 55 cm
黑色的房子在淡淡的暖色調的背景下,顯得充滿神秘感。房子的邊界有藝術家留下的刮痕和筆觸,豐富了視覺效果。藝術家以具象手法,在房子前描繪了一些不規則的白色圓點,是水點還是其他痕跡呢?這為作品留下想像空間。 The house in black is full of mystery with the background of light warm color. Scratches and brush strokes left by the artist on the border of the house...
The house in black is full of mystery with the background of light warm color. Scratches and brush strokes left by the artist on the border of the house enriched the visual effect. The artist used figurative techniques to depict some irregular white dots in front of the house. Are they water spots or other traces? This leaves room for imagination for the work.
The house in black is full of mystery with the background of light warm color. Scratches and brush strokes left by the artist on the border of the house enriched the visual effect. The artist used figurative techniques to depict some irregular white dots in front of the house. Are they water spots or other traces? This leaves room for imagination for the work.